
I wanted a lot of volts and for the device to look cool while it does it, what more could you want?

It has 5 stages made from 40kV rated ceramic capacitors and 20kV 200mA rated diodes (2 series each for 40kV). In theory it should max out at 200kV output but I suspect it should not be pushed quite that far. The components used are cheap parts from aliexpress so the ratings may not be that reliable...

I integrated a transformer into the assembly which is around 1:400 ratio on a 16mm diameter ferrite 'U' core. It uses 3D printed bobbins for primary and secondary windings. All 3D printed parts in this project are printed in ASA, it seems to hold up to mineral oil pretty well so far, I'll update this if degradation is noticed.

the multiplier

The assembled and oil-filled multiplier with integrated transformer

UCC3895 driver with SiC fets

An H-bridge driver based on the UCC3895 phase-shift driver IC and Infineon IMBG65R050M2H SiC MOSFETs driven with 1ED3123 gate drivers. Using 10 ohm turn-on and 2.2 ohm turn-off gate resistors, seems to switch pretty good. Not all parts populated, tested only in open-loop but should be capable of running closed loop on either primary current or output voltage with a primary current limit to protect the MOSFETs. I'll upload a schematic eventually if I end up sticking with the design.

3D printed bobbin secondary coil

The secondary bobbin with around 5000 turns of 34 AWG enameled copper wire

the start of a toroid electrode

I needed a nice electrode to top this assembly with so I whipped up a model in fusion360 and printed the form. I coated it in aluminum foil tape.

the first toroid electrode

The aluminum foil tape I used has non conductive adhesive so I used some copper foil tape I had on hand with conductive adhesive to electrically connect the aluminum tape strips and finish it off.

the complete unit

The full thing with toriod!

I did test it up to 100kV but determined that my apartment is not a particularly suitable location for testing things at such high voltages so I'll have to wait for better weather to test outside, more pics and updates will follow after additional testing. 2025-03-12
